Monday, June 29, 2009

Fun Steps

Today was nice. I was able to go into our little condo with a wonderful friend today and hang a new shower curtain and put a couple of towels in places where towels go. We also purchased a few extra things that are really "normal," like wastebaskets and file folders, which is comforting.

It's interesting. There are so many different "feelings" that are part of all of this. I feel like we've been "traveling" for 6 months, and yet don't miss my own bed or wish we could head home. Perhaps it's harder to long for things and places that simply don't exist. Yet, when we were at the condo today, the little place (maybe about 1000 sq ft) felt a little like "home" and that was so very exciting! It felt "happy" to think about the few little things we can do around the place to make it better - things like fix cupboard door hinges, maybe a little painting, or simply laying down cupboard liners.

I was able to bring some odds and ends back to our hotel to "clean" up and see if they will make it, or transfer information so it's more available. It was wonderful to accomplish things that were visable and tangible as so much of what we are doing is just sustaining what must happen.

Last night, I even did some work (for my business). Although Gary has been continuing to work as much as possible, I had to set it aside for a while as there were just too many diddly (do you like that word) details to take care of every minute.

Another blessing today was some shopping for the girls with the Meyer's from church. They got all set up to go to camp next week which is keeping all the kids excited right now.

Thank you to all of you who have been writing emails, facebooking, sending gifts and encouragement and just being there for us. If we had to do this alone, it would have been unbelievably hard.

We have had some encouraging possible "sightings" of Joseph-kitty. No one has been able to actually catch him, and it does appear that he is loosing weight rather rapidly, but there is still hope that he is out there and alive. We keep praying.

Worst part of this right now (other than the cat) is having to make this crazy insurance list of every single item we owned so that we will receive the money for all that was insured. Best part of having to do that? Well, not owning so much of the stuff on the list is rather "freeing." We do have to admit, however, that furniture is a really nice thing to own - not as easy to do without as the 500+ books, DVD's, CD's etc.

God bless you all! Please be careful when cooking with oil or anything that includes fire - our newest lesson in life (said with a smile).

the andersons

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