Wednesday, August 12, 2009


When we went to bed on Monday night, Gary and I were seriously considering renting a sweet little (!) place downtown. It was a bit of a stretch with a few safety concerns, but appeared to possibly be the best way to get "settled." It still wasn't looking good on our possible purchase of a home, and we need to get more permanent housing soon because of school starting in two weeks.

Well, Tuesday a.m., after much talk and prayer, we decided that the timing for the rental just wasn't right for where our kids are in life right now, so I made the call to the owner and thanked her for considering us.

A few minutes later our realtor called. The investor who is the seller for our home had finally agreed to the terms we had to have in order to move forward. So, the whirlwind began. We had just received our insurance money the day before, found an insurance agent to go to the home and get home insurance ball rolling, singed the final papers for the title company, and called in a friend to help with the electrical - he needed the work and we needed him fast!

So, today we are praising the Lord and looking at many of the original boxes for dishes etc to start packing (it's more fun to pack than me). We should close sometime next week (hopefully early in the week), and then the process of repairs and moving will begin.

Prayers for the days ahead...
  • Good, inexpensive ways to get the repairs done. The seller is not doing any of them, and we are now very tight financially. We are praying to get them done early as some are rather serious.
  • Smooth moving (it shouldn't be too hard - hee hee) and joyful setting up of our new home.
  • Good items at garage sales as we are now working on finding some hobby items and ways to make the home better.
  • Transitions for the kids to go well and safely. Pray for friends that love Jesus or will love Jesus through our family.
  • Final pieces of school registrations to come through.
  • A "Point Person" to run a concert/fund raiser to help our family with the other more costly items on our "list of needs." We aren't even sure how to find this kind of person, but as there is a great band that has offered to help, and others who have said they would really like to see this done for us, we are praying that God will send just the right person.
  • Lots of hugs, love, and rejoicing for all of us as we come "home!"
  • Lots of friends and teens and new friends to fill our home with laughter!

Love and God bless and big hugs to all of you!

gary & tam

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