Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Today was our day to get into our home and start trying to salvage a few things. There was really very little to salvage, but we are experimenting with a few things we pulled out of our bedrooms.

The kids all went with us (including Isaac - who flew in last night). It was good for them to have the chance to put on masks and gloves and take flashlights in to see what was left.

The inside of the home was all black, and rather wet as well. There were small treasures here and there, and quite a bit of paperwork (tax stuff) that we were able to pull out, a few books, a couple clothes items and some cleaning supplies.

We then rented a small storage unit, so we don't have to bring any charred smelly items into anyone's garage or anything else. We also looked at a couple home options and spent some time looking for our still-missing cat.

Tomorrow we will either move into a Residence Inn, or perhaps some temporary housing. The Swans have been incredible and we couldn't be more thankful.

For a time, we are asking people who have items they feel we may be able to use, to simply make a list with your name, email, phone number, and then when we have some place to live, we would love to be able to contact you then.

We feel everyone's prayers and love and are continuing to praise God for every blessing He is bringing!

love to all,
The Andersons


  1. I can't imagine what you must be going through right now. God will provide, He always does! Keep trusting Him. We're praying for you all.
